PHYSICS IN DAILY LIFE: Fun with the setting sun. VER +
- NOVEDAD EDITORIAL. Everything out of nothing. VER +
La Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ) de Madrid hace balance de una semana inolvidable tras su clausura el pasado 21 de agosto. Los responsables de la organización han dado los últimos detalles de la participación de los jóvenes, la implicación de las instituciones y la reacción del Santo Padre ante los jóvenes. La JMJ ha sido un éxito total en Madrid con un número total de 428.505 inscritos.
El Cardenal Arzobispo de Madrid y presidente del Comité Organizador Local de la JMJ, Antonio María Rouco Varela, ha manifestado que la Jornada “ha sido una fiesta de la alegría de la fe, que se ha ofrecido a todo el mundo”. Lo más destacable para el cardenal de Madrid ha sido la respuesta de los participantes, de quienes ha destacado su “amabilidad, disponibilidad y servicio”.
Por otra parte se han adelantado las cifras de la cobertura mediática de la JMJ, en la que han participado casi 5.000 periodistas -2.900 de ellos españoles-, se han realizado 55 programas especiales, con una audiencia –sólo en España- de 15 millones de personas, así como la publicación de 4.241 noticias sobre el evento.
El Papa Benedicto XVI ha pedido a los fieles españoles que den a conocer "con valentía y alegría" el Evangelio, en una carta dirigida al Arzobispo de Madrid, Cardenal Antonio María Rouco Varela, en la que le agradece la organización de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ), celebrada el pasado mes de agosto en Madrid.
"Suplico a Dios que enriquezca a todos los hijos de esas nobles tierras con la abundancia de dones de su amor y misericordia, que sirvan particularmente a las nuevas generaciones para mantenerse arraigadas y edificadas en Cristo, firmes en la fe y dispuestas a anunciar a todos la alegría que supone vivir en plenitud el Evangelio, dándolo a conocer con valentía a cuantos nos rodean", afirma el Pontífice.
En la misiva, fechada el 22 de agosto en Roma, que ha sido leída en la primera reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE), Benedicto XVI califica de "inolvidables" los días de su visita pastoral a Madrid y agradece las "innumerables muestras de hospitalidad" dispensadas durante ese periodo.
Asimismo, pide al Cardenal Rouco que transmita esta gratitud a los obispos sufragáneos y auxiliares, al clero, a las comunidades religiosas y demás colaboradores "en esa querida Iglesia particular de Madrid", así como a las autoridades nacionales, autonómicas y municipales, a las Fuerzas de Seguridad del Estado, al personal sanitario y a los "incontables" voluntarios que, según afirma, "se han empeñado en tan magno evento juvenil".
"Que todos y cada uno de los que han hecho posible esta fiesta de la fe que hemos vivido juntos, cooperando en ella de diferentes formas y entregando lo mejor de sí mismos en su preparación, desarrollo y feliz culminación, sepan que los llevo gozosamente en mi corazón", dice el Papa.
Por último, confía en la "intercesión" de la Virgen de la Almudena a los obispos, sacerdotes, seminaristas, religiosos y fieles españoles, a los que, "de corazón", les imparte una "especial Bendición apostólica, prenda de abundantes dones divinos".
Pinche aquí para leer los discursos de la JMJ Madrid 2011.
PHYSICS IN DAILY LIFE: Fun with the setting sun.
The setting sun plays a few tricks that any physicist will appreciate. One of these is well known: the sun appears unusually red when setting. It is the 1/λ4 dependence of Rayleigh scattering which selectively removes the blue end of the spectrum from the transmitted light.
Less well known is the fact that the sun is not where it seems to be, during sunset. If fact, it may be behind the horizon while we still see it. We are not talking here about the finite speed of light, which makes us see the sun about 8 minutes late. We are talking about the refraction of the sunlight due to the vertical gradient in the index of refraction, which in turn is caused by the density gradient. If we ignore temperature gradients for a second, the density decreases with height due to the decreasing atmospheric pressure, by a little over 1% for every 100 meter, i.e., n-1(dn/dz) ~ 1x10-4. As a result, the light rays are bent downward, in the direction of the earth’s curvature. This maybe seen as the inverse of the well-known ‘highway mirage', the apparent pools lying across the pavement when the sun shines.
Granted: temperature effects can be larger than the barometric pressure effects, which is easily seen if we realize that, for constant pressure, we have n-1(dn/dz) = -T-1 (dT/dz). But let us look at what happens if temperature gradients are negligible, or - even nicer - if temperature increases with altitude. Then the temperature effect - if any - adds to the barometric pressure effect. Now the light rays tend to follow the earth’s curvature, which makes us see the sun just after sunset. This effect occurs both at sunrise and at sunset, and adds an extra 5 minutes of daylight to each day. Note that the finite-speed effect mentioned above does not do that; it just gives an 8-minute offset throughout the day.
Since bending of light rays in the atmosphere is stronger for lower-lying rays, there is a second phenomenon: the sun appears to be flattened by about 10%. The fact that we do not always notice this is due to the competing effect of temperature.
Finally, there is the somewhat mysterious ‘green flash’ that people sometimes observe at the moment of sunset. It lasts only for a few seconds, and requires somewhat favourable atmospheric conditions. Why green, and why only for a few seconds? There are a few things here that we have to combine. First the refraction, which makes us see sunlight after the actual sunset. Due to dispersion this effect is strongest for the blue end of the visible spectrum. This means that we expect blue to be visible longest, while the red end of the spectrum has long disappeared. But blue light is almost absent in the setting sun, as seen above. The result is that the last flash of sunlight is dominated by green.
The green flash: a last good-bye from the setting sun. But at least a good-bye in style.
L.J.F. (Jo) Hermans, Leiden University, Tha Netherlands
What is natural family planning (NFP)?
NFP is a way of following God’s plan for achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy. It consists of ways to achieve or to avoid pregnancy using the physical means that God has built into human nature.
NFP consists of two distinct forms:
- Ecological breastfeeding. This is a form of child care that normally spaces babies about two years apart on the average.
- Systematic NFP. This is a system that uses a woman’s signs of fertility to determine the fertile and infertile times of her cycle.
Couples seeking to avoid pregnancy practice chaste abstinence during the fertile time of her cycle.
You can teach yourself how to practice both forms of NFP by using the short and easy-to-read manual, Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach.
To preview this manual, click here.
To read the reviews, click here.
To purchase a published copy, click here.
To download this NFP manual, click here.
This book is available through lulu.com in the following countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, Latin America, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa.
For those who really think, there is always something unthinkable about the whole evolutionary cosmos, as they (the evolutionists) conceive it, because it is something coming out of nothing, an ever-increasing flood of water pouring out of an empty jug…
In a word, the world does not explain itself, and cannot do so merely by continuing to expand itself.
G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
St. Thomas Aquinas
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