Bylaws of Science &
Chapter I
- Art. 1. With the denomination “Asociación
Española Ciencia y Cultura”, it is constituted
in Madrid under the Law of December 1964 and under the corresponding
legal dispositions and complementary decrees, a non-profit
society, plural, non-governmental, open, independent, of
international scope, with ends and objectives specified
in articles 3 and 4 of the Bylaws.
- Art. 2. All those illicit end referred
to in Art 3 of the laws of Associations are explicitly proscribed
and will not be pursued under any pretext.
- Art. 3. End of the Society: It is the
essential end of the Society to support those activities
which may foster the close connection of Science and Culture,
the spreading out of both within the framework of the Spanish
catholic tradition, through the appropriate activities oriented
to this end, without any discrimination based on race, sex,
political or religious creed.
- Art. 4. To this end the Society could
carry out the following activities:
- Research projects, national or international meetings,
conferences and special courses.
- Technical support for persons, especially young scientist
and humanists interested in the interactions between
science and culture.
- Actions oriented to the development of both, science
and culture, harmonically integrated.
- Scientific and humanistic publications spreading both.
- Defence of human life, from conception to natural
death, from a cultural perspective, in the framework
of the Spanish catholic tradition.
- As many as possible undertakings oriented to the Society’s
and as they are aimed viable and opportune.
- Art. 5. For the best complementation
and further development of its ends and activities, the
Society is entitled to solicit any type of economic support
from individuals, Foundations or Public Organizations of
all kinds. At the same time, soliciting proper authorization,
the Society could exploit directly or indirectly the facilities
at its disposal for licit activities such as to promote,
create, acquire, mortgage, rent goods and real state, specially
residences, apartments, flats, day centres, dinning rooms,
hospitals, clubs publications of culture, recreation, safety,
tourism, general advise, transportation, etc., the benefits,
if any, given the non-profit character of the Society, would
revert to the Society, to assist people in need or people
from the third word, once the expenses, salaries and professional
payments are duly satisfied.
- Art. 6. The scope of the Society will
be international. Its provisional address will be fixed
in C/ Pavía 4, 1º D, Madrid 28013, and the Board
of Trustees entitled to change to another provisional address
with previous notifications to the pertinent Authority.
At the same time, the Board of Trustees is entitled to get
either by renting, cession or purchase, other sites for
the Delegations or Commissions which might e created depending
legally of the Society.